Perfect Charging

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Perfect Charging

El secreto de los montacargas eléctricos con la máxima disponibilidad


17/05/2021 / Wels
Los tiempos difíciles exigen una cosa sobre todo de las empresas: que se adapten rápidamente a las nuevas condiciones y cambios. El sector de la intralogística está sintiendo particularmente los efectos de estas expectativas en forma de cambios adicionales, picos de demanda, etc. Para los operadores de carretillas elevadoras eléctricas, la capacidad y la fiabilidad son factores clave, porque la disponibilidad de la flota de carretillas elevadoras es esencial para un funcionamiento fluido y eficiente.

Las baterías de plomo-ácido tienen una vida útil estandarizada de alrededor de 1.500 ciclos de carga. Sin embargo, las condiciones particularmente duras, los altos niveles de utilización y el funcionamiento en varios turnos pueden tener un impacto negativo en esto. El uso permanente por encima del promedio y la carga de oportunidad frecuente, en particular, acortan la vida útil estandarizada de una batería de tracción.

Los operadores deben compensar las pérdidas de capacidad mediante una carga de oportunidad más frecuente o mediante el uso de baterías de respaldo. Sin embargo, esto da como resultado tiempos de inactividad más prolongados, mayores costos de funcionamiento y menor disponibilidad de carretillas elevadoras. Todo esto tiene un impacto negativo en el costo total de propiedad.

Extend battery life and reduce capital expenditure

The right battery charger makes an important contribution to ensuring maximum battery capacity for as long as possible as well as reliable operation of the fleet 24 hours a day. Thanks to the innovative Ri charging process of the Fronius Selectiva 4.0 devices, batteries receive ultra-cool and gentle charging. This extends usage and service life by as much as one year in moderate operation, without any impact on performance.

React flexibly to unexpected events

Fronius Selectiva 4.0 battery chargers are genuine all-rounders when it comes to day-to-day intralogistics activities. Conservation charging, preventing deep discharge as well as rapid and opportunity charging of lead-acid batteries are just some of the options offered by these devices. Special characteristics designed especially for charging lead-acid batteries ensure reliable, gentle and cost-effective charging to suit the condition of the battery. This enables maximum usability, even in the case of unexpected events. For example, if a battery is not in use for an extended period of time, the Refresh characteristic ensures that its charging ability is preserved and prevents deep discharge. This guarantees that the charging level will not fall to zero and that the battery is ready for use at all times. If deep discharge nevertheless occurs, the battery can be returned to a normal state using a special characteristic. As a result, it will be usable again in no time.

If operators need extra capacity due to additional peaks in demand, for instance, this is where the Power Charging option comes in. With its help, short breaks can be used productively for rapid or opportunity charging. A lunch break of around 30 minutes can provide two additional hours of travel time.

Fronius technology thereby ensures high availability of the forklift truck fleet and also optimises operating costs. Forklift truck operators can also significantly reduce the risk of unplanned downtime in their forklift truck fleet.


Kirsten Ludwig

+49 711 9454161-20
+49 711 9454161-20 xvefgra.yhqjvt@n1xbzzhavxngvba.qr
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